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International Relations Minor Requirements

Students minoring in International Relations (IR) must complete a minimum of 30 units:

  • 5 units from among IR Core Courses;
  • 20 units from one Specialization of your choice;
  • 5 units of additional IR coursework, which may include any IR course (pre-approved or petitioned) and/or no more than 5 units of directed reading.

IR Core Courses (5 units):

1) International Politics

  • INTNLREL 101: Introduction to International Relations

2) Comparative Governance

  • INTNLREL 102: The History of the International System Since 1914
  • INTNLREL 114D: Democracy, Development, and the Rule of Law

3) American Foreign Policy

  • INTNLREL 110C/POLISCI 110X*: America and the World Economy
  • INTNLREL 110D/POLISCI 110Y*: War and Peace in American Foreign Policy
  • INTNLREL 154: The Cold War: An International History (HISTORY 266C)
  • INTNLREL 168: America as a World Power: U.S. Foreign Relations, 1914 to Present (HISTORY 152K)
  • INTNLREL 168A: American Interventions, 1898-Present (HISTORY 259E)
  • INTNLREL 173: Presidents and Foreign Policy in Modern History (HISTORY 261G)
  • INTNLREL 174: Diplomacy on the Ground: Case Studies in the Challenges of Representing Your Country (HISTORY 252B)

*POLISCI 110X and POLISCI 110Y are the non-WiM sections of their respective courses. IR minors may enroll in these sections as there is no WiM requirement for the minor.


Note: Always refer to the Stanford Bulletin for course availability, as offerings vary on a yearly basis. Courses taken towards the IR minor may not be double counted towards your major.