Dr. Erica Gould is the Director of the International Relations Honors Program and a lecturer in International Relations. She spoke with us about her areas of interest, her favorite courses to teach, and what she likes to do outside of the classroom!

What are your areas of interest of study?

I am interested in how international organizations are controlled and to whom they are held accountable. My first book was about the International Monetary Fund (IMF), and asked whose interests were served by the changes (and expansion) in the IMF conditionality.  Next, I researched the decision-making rules for international organizations. I was particularly interested in the practice of consensus decision making and which states (the powerful or the weak) it empowers. Now, I am focused on the accountability mechanisms associated with international development banks, like the World Bank and other regional development banks, and how well they work in practice.

What are some of your favorite courses to teach?

I love teaching the IR honors series of classes (INTNLREL 200A, 200B and 200C).  In these classes, I get to work closely with IR honors students, who work on diverse and exciting projects focusing on all aspects of international relations. Every year, I learn from them and get inspired by their passion. I have also really loved teaching "International Organizations and Accountability" (INTNLREL 63Q), a seminar focused on questions that are central to my own research. This year, I'm piloting a new class, INTNLREL 192: Policy Practicum, in the winter quarter. During this class, students will be able to produce a research report for Accountability Counsel, an international nonprofit, to help them in their mission to bring justice and accountability to international development finance. Students will be presenting their report to the organization at the end of the quarter!

What do you like to do outside of Stanford?

Outside of Stanford, I love to spend time with my family. I have two children who are in high school, so I am relishing my time with them and am spending a lot of time cheering them on in their respective sports (cross country, lacrosse, and baseball). I'm committed to service of all kinds, from serving as Board Chair of Accountability Counsel to delivering groceries and supplies to families with children facing terminal illnesses on the weekends. I also really love to travel, explore new neighborhoods, and try new restaurants.